Put on the Cape is the purest form of a grassroots charity you can find. Supporting more than 7,500 children a year, In 2024 POTC, through a grant from "Lerner and Rowe Gives Back" added Five Urban Teen Centers in the Valley to give teenagers a respite from the streets and a place to do their homework, relax with video games and snacks, and to create fellowship with their peers.
You Can Make A Difference
Our first ever golf tournament sold out and raised $32,000 in cash to aid in our mission. Thank you Agave Pediatrics and Urban Elevator AZ for sponsoring.
Sean reached out to longtime friend and avid golfer Michael Hayes (left) in February and the two went to work creating a sold out event and raising more than $50,000 (monetary/in-kind)
Golfers competed to win the Superman and Wonder Woman awards for long drive mastery on the 18th hole.
Feedback from the golfers showed they had a wee bit of fun.
Glendale PD had a big presence at the event with this crew having the best time ever. They even used Thor's hammer to putt.
Our heroes kept the hi jinx coming.
Our co-sponsor not also conducted a successful donation drive in their offices around the valley.
Thank you to Matt and the team at the Legacy for hosting this event!
Some serious American Muscle
"It's not who I am underneath, but what I DO that defines me."
- The Batman